The Shark Pup

carrd template by cassiaslair.

  Mumei Akashita   as lovingly written by a Dim Lizard. Pacific Standard Time. He / Him. established in 2018.

The profile of one Yanxian woman who simply strives to find her place in the world.

OOC Stuff.



You can call me Dim, I am a 21+ US player on the West Coast on Mateus - Crystal Datacenter.

What's OK

I am open to all RP, however for more serious topics, it would be suggested to discuss them, before hand. Other than that I have no real "Do nots" when it comes to various types of RP, but if you're unsure, be sure to bring it up ASAP.


My schedule is heavily dependent on my work week but on off days I'm available between 10am - 10PM PST for RP or just DMs.


At the end of the day, we're here to have fun and if you are not, I encourage you to let me know and we can discuss options or simply part ways. I will not hold down or be held down. But there is no point in trying to stick around out of politeness.


All Credits for Art  Personality Page Art - Melpomene    Twitter.
  Home Page Art/About Page Art(Left and Right)/OOC Page/Relationships Page Art - Erubara     Twitter.
  About Page Art(Middle) - Evanyell     Twitter.

Special credits to you folks who read this and perhaps find some interest in this character.




Who she is

  name.    Akashita-No-Mumei(Alias)
  age.    23
  birthday / nameday     1st Sun/1st Astral Moon
  astrological sign / guarding deity.     Kagewani/Sami'ko(Nature spirit).
  gender.     Female
  pronouns.     She / Her
  height.     5'3
  weight.     125 Ponze
  hair color.     Red
  eye color.     Golden Yellow
  skin tone.     Brown
  notable features.     Flame patterned iris
  job occupation.    Shinobi retainer, budding Taoist Sorcerer
  place of origin | home | affiliation.    North-Eastern Yanxia, Village of Shan Yu | Uoshima, Bay of Yanxia | Iga Shinobi - Kaneshima Clan of Yanxia

What she does(n't) like

  marital status.     Taken
  d&d alignment.     True Neutral
  likes.     Rolanberry Shaved Ice, Noa, Nature, Sharks, her friends.
  dislikes.     Unsubtle Shinobi, wasteful people/hunters, those who disrespect nature.
  virtues.     patient, quiet, polite, perceptive, open-minded, dutiful, loyal, practical.
  flaws.     Curt, uncompromising, unreadable, stickler.

Her Heart

  personality.     Mumei was once a more energetic lass when she first arrived in Eorzea, though prideful of herself and her adopted clan, she often felt herself above the common people, coupled with being unable to even speak the native language, which got her into much trouble. Since then, she has calmed down and is more reserved.She holds a more neutral view of the world, preferring to do what is best for her, more than anything else, holding loyalty only to her lord, the contract and less than a handful of associates. While she is curt and business-like she is not truly unkind, but her demeanor can definitely come off that way at first meeting.Reliable when it comes to work, she tends to follow objectives to the letter when it comes to business, adhering to the ways of her adopted clan.

Her skills


—    ASPECT OF AETHER.     Normal
—    DEXTERITY.     S+
—    TENACITY.     S+
—    STEALTH.     S++


Ninjutsu(Expert). Learned in a wide variety of Ninjutsu both mundane and mystical. Specializes in Fire element.Spear-Bow-Blade(Proficient). Widely versed in different types of weaponry both ranged and melee/Taoist Sorcery(Novice). Learning to wield the esoteric arts native to Yanxia.(Locked). ???


—   Iga Ninja.

*Whether it be her various Katon or her Ninja garb, those who are familiar with the village of the Iga might find interest in trying to figure out just who is behind the mask and what their connection(or lack thereof) is to the group at large.
Difficulty = 3

—   The Great Spirit of Man.

If one finds themselves interested in Comparative Mythology or the study of various religions in the world of Hydaelyn, a rather obscure book on Othardian Nature worship would detail the works and rites of a small village in Northern Yanxia.
Similarly if one were a traveler or trader, going through that area, it was possible to meet with the friendly villagers of that area. At least before the Garlean's invasions. Mumei is the last known survivor and follower of such a religion.
Difficulty = 2

—   Kaneshima Retainer

Mumei serves as a retainer to the Kaneshima Clan, namely it's eldest daughter and can generally be seen with the woman on her outings, assisting her in different ways. Those who are interested in the clan's business or know of the clan itself and it's family will not miss the red-head shadowing her lady.
Difficulty = 1

—   The Blacksmith.

Mumei is a proficient blacksmith, able to make all sorts of far eastern weaponry, and even some western weaponry as well, usually plying her trade in the Doman Enclave on occasion.
Difficulty = 1


Her People


  Nomolun of Dotharl.     Othardian - Steppe Native - Mid Twenties
  relationship.     Closest Friend
  summary.     "Mumei had my respect before the Mettle. Even with her white scales, she's really strong. It's kind of funny how she tries to pretend she doesn't care about us."
Though initially kept at a polite distance by the hybrid, it would seem that Nomolun had slowly wormed her way into the young woman's good graces by sheer force of personality. One of, if not the only, person Mumei has deigned to call a friend.

  Kiyohara-No-Saya.     Koshu - Hingan Native - Mid Twenties
  relationship.     Close Friend, older sister-figure
  summary.     "I do not think Mumei would appreciate me speaking of her outside her presence. If you want to know who she is, challenge her to a duel yourself. You may not learn the answer you're after, but you will certainly learn a lesson."
Mumei encountered Saya and has continued to encounter her at the many fighting rings around the lands of Eorzea. A polite woman by nature or habit, nevertheless Mumei seems unusually interested in the woman and will move to greet her when spotted.Perhaps she sees something in the woman that draws her in. Whatever the case may be there is a deference there that one would reserve for an older sibling.

  Kaneshima-No-Noa.     Othardian - Yanxia Native - Early Twenties
  relationship.     Romantic Partner
  summary.   "She was scary at first, but Mumei's the nicest shinobi I've ever met! Then again, she's also the only shinobi I've ever met. My only complaint is that she needs to eat better-- you can't do all that running and jumping and fighting without some protein!"
"Mumei? The best retainer one could ask for, naturally. Calm, polite, affable, attractive, dependable, No, of course not. I said 'effective'. You must be hearing things."
A scion of nobility, the Kaneshima clan deals mostly in sea life and other amenities connected to it. Mumei encountered the woman by accident while dealing with separate business and kept her from meeting an unfortunate end.With Mumei's involvement a secret to all but them, they interacted in small spurts until the Shinobi offered her services to the young leader-to-be. What she sees in this young lady as employer remains to be seen...The two have grown extremely close after a year, culminating in their romantic involvement despite Mumei's initial trepidation.
